從前對“公路電影”的印象很模糊﹐總覺得一路旅行的畫面﹐故事盡是悲哀﹐風景寂寞荒涼到好像跟我這輩子絕對不會有任何關係的遙遠﹐像是巴黎。德州﹐巴格達咖啡屋﹐末路狂花之類的。前兩個禮拜的週末在電視機前晚餐後﹐昏睡在沙發上﹐袋子一個人看了第5台德法合作的公共電視播出的(非商業化)電影﹐JustLike A Woman﹐他看完後把我喊醒進臥室﹐直跟我推薦這部沒有在法國電影院上演的“公路電影” (袋子這麼跟我說﹐這真是讓我很好奇)﹔這週他非常有心的從電視重播時段設定錄像﹐特別錄給我看。
Just like a woman以輕鬆的生活片段表現兩個在婚姻中不快樂的少婦﹐從芝加哥出發﹐在迷失和逃亡的旅途上﹐每個畫面都很漂亮﹐音樂選曲特別用心。小品故事極其簡單﹐簡而言之就是女性的弱勢和移民衝突。
移民文化衝突如同黑白兩色﹐不論如何用心調色﹐最終也只是灰色的不同層次﹔它永遠不會混合後變黑或變白。我其實對這位在法國影壇頗富盛名的阿爾及利亞裔的法籍導演Rachid Bouchareb非常不熟 ﹐印象中他的作品都和移民戰役有關﹐我覺得主題太沉重﹐但這次我喜歡他用很幽默的態度清淡訴說簡單的故事。
讓我特別感動的是電影最後為配合劇情而選擇的歌曲﹐已經解散的團體 The Kills 的 The Last Goodbye
The Last Goodbye
It's the last goodbye, I swear
I can't rely on a dime-a-day love
That don't go anywhere
I learn to cry for someone else
I can't get by on an odds and ends love
That don't ever match up
I heard all you said
And I took it to heart
I won't forget, I swear
I have no regrets
For the past is behind me
Tomorrow reminds me just where
Can't quite see the end
How can I rely on my heart if I break it
With my own two hands
I heard all you said
And I love you to death
I heard all you said
Don't say anything
It's the last goodbye, I swear
I can't survive on a half-hearted love
That will never be whole